Zoning & Planning... is that what they call it?
DC for Reasonable Development is an unincorporated non-profit citywide citizens network of DC residents, activist organizations, ANC Commissioners, civic representatives, and all those who care about planning in the District of Columbia.
This site has been developed to connect communities located throughout the District contending with problem projects -- projects which may be entirely public, private, and/or a combination of public and private.
The ad-hoc, unscientific, opaque planning review and decision making happening in the District of Columbia right now exposes every DC resident to dispossession and other serious risks. The corporate condominium construction explosion is happening at the same time The City is closing schools, shrinking the safety net, and systematically dismantling our communities. Disinterested DC officials and their purposeful poor planning continues to leave entire DC neighborhoods disconnected, displaced, and downright disrespected.
It's time poor planning in the City ends now.
Connecting and Sharing is Important for Positive Change!

Consider the DC4RD website a network of information and resources which examines 21st Century development and how it unfolds here in the National Capital city. Can it be better? Can there be development without displacement? Can planning officials actually follow their own rules? These are just some questions for a modern humankind which seeks open and transparent planning, cooperation, meaningful participation, and astute findings substantiated by facts and reasoning to get to much better development and life outcomes. For, its impossible that anyone thinks DC is on the right track considering 60,000 Black folks have been made gone from our city in the past twenty years of #buildmore at any expense.

DC4RD is an unincorporated association formed by participating DC residents for the non-profit civic purpose of reviewing, evaluating, and acting on development projects, policies, and laws affecting neighborhoods throughout our city, Washington, D.C..